11 Best Ways To Earn Money From YouTube

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Do you know what is the most reliable ways to earn money from Youtube? In this article, I gonna show you how to earn money from youtube, even if you have a low subscriber base.

Recently the most common and trending phrase is nepotism. Whether it is Bollywood or any other profession, nepotism has taken over talent.

But still, there are various other fields where only talent matters, one of them being Youtube. All YouTube creators are self-made by their talent and skills in a particular niche.

YouTube has opened a gateway to earning for the creators. Many big YouTubers like CarryMinati, Ashish Chanchlani, and Gaurav Chaudhary earned millions from Youtube.

If you have talent and skills in a specific field then you can also earn money and develop your fan base. There are numerous ways by which you can get paid through your content on Youtube.

11 Best Ways to Earn Money From YouTube India

After good research and analysis, we have short-listed the top 11 ways to earn money from YouTube. Below are the:

1. Earn Money From YouTube AdSense

youtube Adsense earning | how to earn money from youtube India

Google has a program known as AdSense by which brands and services display their advertising campaign on YouTube videos. The creators are paid as per the view count.

This is the most common way to earn money on Youtube in India. All you need to do is just join the Youtube monetization program and getting approved your videos will start getting ads.

But there are some qualification criteria you have to achieve before applying for monetizing. Here it is:

YouTube Monetization Criteria

youtube monetization criteria | how to earn money from youtube India
  • Your channel must achieve a total number of 1000 genuine subscribers.
  • The videos on your channel must get 4000 watch hours.
  • Both of these qualifications must be achieved within 1 year.

There are simple steps to get monetized on youtube. These are mentioned below:

How to Connect Adsense With YouTube For Monetization?

Connect Adsense With YouTube | how to earn money from youtube India
  1. Sign in using your Youtube account
  2. Open the Youtube studio website
  3. Click on more features and then monetization.
  4. Agree on the terms and conditions of the Youtube partner program and continue
  5. Create your Adsense account and set your preferences.

After completing all these steps you can check the status of your partnership program from the analytics section on the dashboard. Adsense is the main source of your income on YouTube.

The earnings through AdSense depend upon the views count. Sometimes it is $10-20 per 1000 views. So you can say that this is the #1 way how to earn money from youtube India.

2. Become a YouTube Influencer

Become YouTube Influencer | How To Earn Money From YouTube

This is one of the easiest ways of earning from YouTube. If you have a massive audience and fan base the brands and manufacturers will contact you and collaborate with their products.

All you need to do is just use, suggest, and display their product within a portion of your video. You will get paid as per the views or subscribers.

Make sure to capture the trust and loyalty of your audience to become an influence and earn from YouTube in India. Also, this is the most paid method of earning.

Big brands pay millions to the creators with gigantic fanbases. Like if Rebook asked you to wear their shoes in your next videos then they will pay you.

After getting a big fanbase and audience, thousands of brands started to contact you to promote their products and services, which makes it difficult for you to manage.

In such a situation, you are recommended to hire a manager under you who will communicate with brands and provide the best possible offer for your upcoming video. So you can say that this is the #2 way how to earn money from youtube India.

3. Earn Through Affiliate Marketing

earn money from youtube by affiliate marketing

Most of you are aware of the term, affiliate marketing. This can be used by the creators to earn money from their youtube channel.

This is a commission-based earning where you are requested to display and promote the products of various brands on your YouTube channel and you will get paid a commission after each sale forwarded from the link provided in your video.

The affiliate programs will pay from 1% to 70% of the total worth of the product as a commission to the creators. The sales depend upon the royalty and trust of the audience in the creator.

You can join various affiliate programs like the Amazon affiliate program, clickbait, and many more. So you can say that this is the #3 way how to earn money from youtube India.

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4. Become Freelancing Creator

earn money from youtube as freelancer

Freelancing has become the most popular way of earning across the world. If you do not want to join a company as an employee and then freelancing is for you.

You can work freely and earn more than an employee. Some YouTube creators use this way to earn money.

If you have a channel based on specific skills and experiences like animations, video editing, gfx, graphics, and many more, then you can display your skills and tell your audience you are ready to work on projects.

There must be any customer in the audience who has work to be accomplished. He will contact you and pay your fee.

For example, if you have a youtube channel where you are reaching people about how to edit videos professionally, you can offer your services to edit the videos at a minimal price.

If someone in the viewers likes your offer, will contact you and pay after work is done. You will also ask for some advance. So you can say that this is the #4 way how to earn money from youtube India.

5. Make Brand Sponsor videos

earn youtube money from sponser video

Most of us have seen the creators recommending some brands and their products in their videos. Fitness YouTubers always suggest a particular protein, peanut butter, creatine, and many other supplements.

All you need to do is just provide your email id in the videos and the brands will contact you and offer their sponsorship in your next video.

They will pay you a lot of money but getting sponsorship can be possible only if you are a popular face and have a gigantic fanbase. Big YouTubers like Ashish Chanchlani charge about 40 lakhs to 50 lakhs from the brands.

Keep in mind if you want to earn more and increase your value, you need to promote only big brands.

If you keep promoting small and cheap brands your face value will decline and you will get paid less. It is a great saying that anything available easily will get less attention and integrity. So you can say that this is the #5 way how to earn money from youtube India.

6. Launch Your Own Merchandise

earm money from youtube merchandise

Selling products or merchandise is the best option to get your own brand influence among your audience. If you become a partner with the merchandise seller, the earnings will be minimal.

But if you build your merchandise and sell the products, the earnings will directly come into your pocket.

The products like clothes, bags, and shoes can generate massive revenue through this method. So you can say that this is the #6 best way how to earn money from youtube India.

7. Earn Money By Licensing your content

Licensing your content | How To Earn Money From YouTube

Numerous Youtube channels are used to display the videos of other creators as they have no face or specific content.

They buy the rights of the content to display on their videos from the official creator. All you need to do is just build a string of face values and unique talent to get your content licensed on the other Youtube channel.

This generally happens with music, entertainment, teaching, and motivational videos.

For example, Sandeep Maheshwari, a popular motivational speaker, gets an offer of 100 crores to give the rights of his 50 videos to a YouTube channel. So you can say that this is the #7 best way how to earn money from youtube India.

8. Collaboration with other YouTubers

Collaboration with YouTubers | How To Earn Money From YouTube
image source: wikiHow.tech

Many newbie YouTubers and creators need some support and assistance to build a fanbase and reach the maximum audience. They just need a push start to launch their youtube channel.

To attain the same, they request big YouTubers to collaborate in their upcoming videos. This is a great way to get paid by such new creators. So you can say collaboration is the best #8 method how to earn money from youtube India.

9. Donations in live streams

youtube live stream donation | How To Earn Money From YouTube

Various Youtube channels like Gaming and trolling used to arrange live streams where the fans and audience used to donate a specific amount of money to the creators as a bonus for their talent.

Most gamers use this way to earn money. Within a live stream of 1-2 hours, they collect about a million. So you can say live stream donation is the best #9 method how to earn money from youtube India.

10. Fan Funding For Premium Content

fan funding for youtube | How To Earn Money From YouTube

Sometimes you have no funds for your next project and videos. In this situation, your fans and the active audience will contribute a little and fund your next project.

As a perk, the creator will offer some special and premium content for the fans who fund the project. This will also allow you to prepare engaging videos.

The biggest example of such creators is the social welfare Youtube channel that used to make videos of donating money to the poor and helping them.

They request fans to raise funds. So you can say fan funding is the best #10 method how to earn money from youtube India.

11. Crowdfunding For Next Video Project

Crowdfunding for youtube | How To Earn Money From YouTube

Crowdfunding is a process in which every person will fund a little amount and when millions of people raise funds together, the amount becomes wholesomely big.

This amount is then used to prepare the next video project. This idea will only work if you have a massive fan base and your audience has trust in you.

If you have an extraordinary and brilliant idea about your next video but have no capital to invest.

Then you can request your audience for crowdfunding and use the collected money in your next project.

YouTubers who make movies and VFX creations use this method to earn. So you can say that crowdfunding is the best #11 method how to earn money from youtube India.

Also, Read * Important Article *


There are many other ways to earn money from Youtube but the above-mentioned are the most popular and reliable ones. If you have a youtube channel with about 100k subscribers then you can earn using all these methods easily.

Keep in mind that view count matters more than subscribers. So focus on your content and try to make it more engaging. The number of likes and comments also matters.

The brands and sponsors will look at all the aspects of your videos and channel before contacting you, this includes several likes as compared to views, comments, face value, content, and many more.

Also, if your channel has a genuine audience you will get paid more through the Adsense program. So I think you like this article about how to earn money from youtube India.

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